cursor - ContactsContract.Contacts issue, duplicates -

i've been doing research on can't figure out. contacts in phone in sample app downloaded duplicated, so:

enter image description here

i'm quite sure has contactscontract.contacts. i've read on don't know how implement in code. (or indeed if there's way of doing it). want each contact listed once, not multiple time.

according :

contactscontract.contacts constants contacts table, contains record per aggregate of raw contacts representing same person. 

i have 3 java files in project, mainactivity, selectuser , selectuseradapter, believe mainactivity 1 pertaining problem. line :

phones = getcontentresolver().query(, null, null, null, + " asc"); 

if need more code let me know.

here's :

package com.example.chris.contactlistcustomlistview;          import;         import android.content.contentresolver;         import android.database.cursor;         import;         import;         import android.os.asynctask;         import android.os.bundle;         import android.provider.contactscontract;         import android.provider.mediastore;         import android.util.log;         import android.view.view;         import android.widget.adapterview;         import android.widget.listview;         import android.widget.searchview;         import android.widget.toast;          import;         import java.util.arraylist;         import java.util.list;   public class mainactivity extends activity {      // arraylist     arraylist<selectuser> selectusers;     list<selectuser> temp;     // contact list     listview listview;      // cursor load contacts list     cursor phones, email;      // pop     contentresolver resolver;     searchview search;     selectuseradapter adapter;      @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);          selectusers = new arraylist<selectuser>();         resolver = this.getcontentresolver();         listview = (listview) findviewbyid(;          phones = getcontentresolver().query(, null, null, null, + " asc"); //        retrieves contact information         loadcontact loadcontact = new loadcontact();         loadcontact.execute();  //        let's set our search box,         search = (searchview) findviewbyid(;          //*** setonquerytextlistener ***         search.setonquerytextlistener(new searchview.onquerytextlistener() {              @override             public boolean onquerytextsubmit(string query) {                 // todo auto-generated method stub                  return false;             }              @override             public boolean onquerytextchange(string newtext) {                 // when text in searchview changes, call filter function                 adapter.filter(newtext);                 return false;             }         });     }      // load data on background     class loadcontact extends asynctask<void, void, void> {         @override         protected void onpreexecute() {             super.onpreexecute();          }          @override         protected void doinbackground(void... voids) {             // contact list phone               if (phones != null) {                 log.e("count", "" + phones.getcount());                 if (phones.getcount() == 0) {                     toast.maketext(mainactivity.this, "no contacts in contact list.", toast.length_long).show();                 }                  while (phones.movetonext()) {                     bitmap bit_thumb = null;                     string id = phones.getstring(phones.getcolumnindex(;                     string name = phones.getstring(phones.getcolumnindex(;                     string phonenumber = phones.getstring(phones.getcolumnindex(;                     string emailaddr = phones.getstring(phones.getcolumnindex(;                     string image_thumb = phones.getstring(phones.getcolumnindex(;                     try {                         if (image_thumb != null) {                             bit_thumb =, uri.parse(image_thumb));                         } else {                             log.e("no image thumb", "--------------");                         }                     } catch (ioexception e) {                         e.printstacktrace();                     } //what's happening here? every user in phonebook, show image, name, number, id , maybe checkbox?                     selectuser selectuser = new selectuser();                     selectuser.setthumb(bit_thumb);                     selectuser.setname(name);                     selectuser.setphone(phonenumber);                     selectuser.setemail(id);                     selectuser.setcheckedbox(false);                     selectusers.add(selectuser);                 }             } else {                 log.e("cursor close 1", "----------------");             }             //phones.close();             return null;         }          @override //        when doinbackground finished, when have our phone number, name etc... display results in our listview.         protected void onpostexecute(void avoid) {             super.onpostexecute(avoid);             adapter = new selectuseradapter(selectusers, mainactivity.this);             listview.setadapter(adapter);              // select item on listclick             listview.setonitemclicklistener(new adapterview.onitemclicklistener() {                 @override                 public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> adapterview, view view, int i, long l) {                      log.e("search", "here---------------- listener");                      selectuser data = selectusers.get(i);                 }             });              listview.setfastscrollenabled(true);         }     }      @override     protected void onstop() {         super.onstop();         phones.close();     } } 

public class mainactivity extends activity {       cursor cursor;     listview mainlistview;     arraylist hashmapsarraylist;      @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);          if (cursor != null) {             cursor.movetofirst();}         try {              cursor = getapplicationcontext().getcontentresolver()                     .query(, null, null, null, null);             int idx = cursor.getcolumnindex(;             int nameidx = cursor.getcolumnindex(;              int phonenumberidx = cursor.getcolumnindex(;             int photoididx = cursor.getcolumnindex(;             cursor.movetofirst();               set<string> ids = new hashset<>();             {                 system.out.println("=====>in while");                 string contactid=cursor.getstring(idx);                 if (!ids.contains(contactid)) {                     ids.add(contactid);                     hashmap<string, string> hashmap = new hashmap<string, string>();                    string  name = cursor.getstring(nameidx);                     string phonenumber = cursor.getstring(phonenumberidx);                     string image = cursor.getstring(photoididx);                     system.out.println("id--->"+contactid+"name--->"+name);                     system.out.println("id--->"+contactid+"name--->"+name);                     system.out.println("id--->"+contactid+"number--->"+phonenumber);                      if (!phonenumber.contains("*")) {                         hashmap.put("contactid", "" + contactid);                         hashmap.put("name", "" + name);                         hashmap.put("phonenumber", "" + phonenumber);                         hashmap.put("image", "" + image);                         // hashmap.put("email", ""+email);                         if (hashmapsarraylist != null) {                             hashmapsarraylist.add(hashmap);} //                    hashmapsarraylist.add(hashmap);                     }                 }              } while (cursor.movetonext());           } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         } {             if (cursor != null) {                 cursor.close();             }         } } } 
