first of hello guys,
i´m working on vba script may see title. thing know basic java , things looked here , there make code running.
now thing want have 2 sheets synchronise.
to more clear, if write in sheet1 , activate macro gets copied correct fields in sheet2.
my current code looks , guess easiest way want do:
sub magic() dim sh1 worksheet dim sh2 worksheet set sh1 = activeworkbook.sheets("postenkosten") set sh2 = activeworkbook.sheets("monatskosten") dim pa integer dim pb integer dim ma integer dim mb integer // go through designated columns , rows pa = 4 34 step 3 pb = 6 10 step 1 // check if empty if sh1.cells(pb, pa).value <> "" //if not got sheet2 , designated cells there ma = 1 30 step 3 mb = 1 12 step 1 //here comes critical part - if cell sheet 1 same headline (cell) in sheet 2 then... //if not next headline , compare if sh1.cells(pb, pa) = sh2.cells(ma, 2) //make sure have empty row don't override things , copy cells adjacent sheet 2 if sh2.cells(mb, ma) = "" else sh1.cells(4, pa).value.copy sh2.cells(mb, ma) sh1.cells(pb + 1, pa).value.copy sh2.cells(mb + 1, ma) sh1.cells(pb + 2, pa).value.copy sh2.cells(mb + 2, ma) end if end if next mb next ma end if next pb next pa end sub //go , next cell in sheet 1
i hope mean. if have ideas how fix code happy (i spent @ least week make work)
to further visualise problem
thanks lot reading , trying help.
if need more information don't hesitate ask provide quick possible :)
edited after op's request (see lines '<=== edited
maybe need follows
sub magic() dim sh1 worksheet dim sh2 worksheet dim postendates range, monatdates range, cell range, fndrng range set sh1 = activeworkbook.worksheets("postenkosten") set sh2 = activeworkbook.worksheets("monatskosten") set postendates = setdatesrange(sh1.range("d6:d24"), 1, 10, 1, 3) '<== set base range , "multiplying" factors per needs set monatdates = setdatesrange(sh2.range("a2:aj2"), 3, 1, 18, 1) '<== set base range , "multiplying" factors per needs each cell in postendates set fndrng = finddate(cell, monatdates) if not fndrng nothing if isempty(fndrng.offset(13)) '<=== edited fndrng.end(xldown) '<=== edited sh1.cells(4, cell.column).copy '<=== edited .offset(1).pastespecial xlpastevalues '<=== edited cell.offset(, 1).resize(, 2).copy '<=== edited .offset(1, 1).pastespecial xlpastevalues '<=== edited end '<=== edited end if end if next cell end sub function finddate(rngtofind range, rngtoscan range) range dim cell range each cell in rngtoscan if cell = rngtofind set finddate = cell exit end if next cell end function function setdatesrange(inirng range, nrowssteps long, ncolssteps long, rowstep long, colstep long) range dim unionrng range dim long, j long set unionrng = inirng inirng = 1 nrowssteps j = 1 ncolssteps set unionrng = union(unionrng, .offset((i - 1) * rowstep, (j - 1) * colstep)) next j next end set setdatesrange = unionrng.specialcells(xlcelltypeconstants) end function
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