i'm looking way publish website daocloud, docker container service provider.
the provider doesn't open api you. let build app source on github or pulling image docker hub. if you're building github, can specify dockerfile should used building.
but can see dockerfile in asp.net 5 project
it doesn't specify ports. neither projects.json/commands/web. have tried add ports specification manually , build it, no success. contents in wwwroot folder return 404 error.
how can create buildable repository or create docker hub image visual studio?
your dockerfile seems right. here 1 used build:
from microsoft/aspnet copy . /app workdir /app run ["dnu", "restore"] expose 5004 entrypoint ["dnx", "-p", "project.json", "web"]
maybe share project.json. here command project.json matches entrypoint declared in dockerfile.
"commands": { "web": "microsoft.aspnet.server.kestrel --server.urls http://*:5004" },
the (*) allows kestrel listening requests domains.
you can find samples here: aspnet home samples
hope helps !
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