i have share data between ios apps without user interaction.
after googling, found best possible way doing using extension. per apple extension guide, users open app extension interacting system-provided user interface. example, user accesses share extension activating system-provided share button in app , choosing extension list that’s displayed.
my question can access share/action/documentprovider extension without ui button. can customize way extensions launched.
is there other secured way inter-app communication.
assuming of apps involved in sharing developed/controlled you, best way accomplish shared container. per docs:
the com.apple.security.application-groups (available in os x v10.7.5 , v10.8.3 , later) allows multiple apps produced single development team share access special group container. container intended content not user-facing, such shared caches or databases.
in addition, attribute allows apps within group share mach , posix semaphores , use other ipc mechanisms among group’s members. additional details , naming conventions, read “mach ipc , posix semaphores , shared memory” in app sandbox design guide.
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