google app engine - GAE handlers in app.yaml, does having the same script value multiple time can cause performance issue? -

from understanding, configured app.yaml following :

handlers: - url: /_ah/queue/?   script: wsgi.application   login: admin  - url: .*   script: wsgi.application 

the idea behind full application managed same codebase (queues & web service). since don't want have users access queue url (/_ah/queue/{queue_name}), added login: admin restriction, , rest, can access it.

but i'm wondering if adding same script: wsgi.application way or i'm making wrong here ?

there no problem using same script: value multiple handlers, in fact can see in example script handlers section of configuring app.yaml doc:

handlers: # root url (/) handled wsgi application named "app" in # no other urls match pattern. - url: /   script:  # url /index.html handled script. - url: /index\.html   script: 

the script: statement mapping handler script/app respective url pattern, nothing bad multiple patterns having same handler.
