0...1 next plane class means instance of flight associated either none or 1 instance of plane. flight class has no attribute member of type plane.
so such association flight-->plan seen in system? mean "being associated" in uml class diagram?
associations dot on end, according uml standard (b3.2 section), mean attributes.
associations usual arrows or without them, mean existing navigation 1 class another. can mean, if class has association b, that:
- a has b instance property.
- a has instance b local variable.
- a has reference (to reference...) instance b , uses (having reference class c has association b not enough)
- a has method returning b instance.
- there collection or array of b instances instead of single b instance.
- a has of previous navigable ways b, don't specify of them. (unspecified navigation)
the last edition of 2.5 standard gives several ways set rules showing arrows , crosses on ends of association (11.5.5), never can limited properties only.
read standard, no blogs. internet folklore knowledge on uml very, poor.
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