hybris - Cms Cockpit does not show preview -

cockpit generates id (cmsticketid) related session in order store preview , show it. problem seems content associated cmsticketid not generated , empty or not exist, reason can not see preview.

this strange because in local environment works in chrome or opera never in firefox. anyway not working anymore in other environmets.

anyone can give me clue can do?

regards, martin

hybris log:

warn  16:13:05 [hybrishttp21] [] [] [] [contextinformationloader] cannot find cmssite associated current url (https://localhost:9002//previewservlet?cmsticketid=6475866320580704c9dd84aa-ed00-4fe4-88f1-7e92cd0f95a5)! 

browser log;

http/1.1 302 foundserver: apache-coyote/1.1  set-cookie: jsessionid=04d8a8ee7dd8dda58232935eb3a4e712; path=/; secure;     httponly location: https://localhost:9002/preview-content?uid=md-customer-    communications&cmsticketid=6475866320722032b3feb2da-29ab-4545-b2a6-8fba42dc4e48 content-length: 0 date: thu, 07 apr 2016 13:43:57 gmt 

you should check wcms "cleaner". check url in hybris configuration (via hmc): - wcms -> websites -> wcms cockpit properties - wcms cockpit preview url should contain site information or anything; should contain following information "?site=mysite" "site" id (in case "mysite") of website have open.

best regars, gianluigi
