Using C++ DLLs in Python -

i'm sorry if question seems repeated many times here spent whole day without finding clear answer.

i'm working under visual studio 2010 , i'm trying load class defined in dll python. saw there's no way without making c++ wrapper (using swig or boost.python). i'm not c++ programmer , couldn't find easy , clear tutorial start with, grateful if give me simple one.

also, class uses singleton pattern restricts instantiation 1 object :

myclass*    myclass::getinstance() {     if(instance==null)                           instance    =   new myclass();            return instance; } 

so need know how can deal in python script can create instance of myclass , access methods.

thanks guys.

after finding solution problem, come answer question whom might help.

i used swig make c++ wrapper. defined module interface :

%module myclass     %{     #include    "myclass.h"     %}     %include <windows.i>   //if you're using __declspec(dllexport) export dll     %include "myclass.h" 

then compiled directly :

    >swig -c++ -python myclass.i 

and generates 2 files : , myclass_wrap.cxx.

i included myclass_wrap.cxx file project in visual studio , made these changes on project properties :

configuration properties > general > target name : _myclass target extension : .pyd

c/c++ > general > additional include directories : /path/to/python/include

linker > additional library directories : //path/to/python/libs

and compiled project generate _myclass.pyd.

in python script, simple following :

import myclass instance = myclass.myclass.getinstance() #and use myclass methods via instance, ex: instance.somemethod() 

that's all. swig work handle reference returned getinstance().
