i'm new ios development , using swift language of choice. i'm developing simple little program son displays images of animals on uibuttons , when picks right 1 buttons load new images , he's asked find different animal.
the basics of program , running , can play want on making fancier. when correct image selected , it's time replace button images new ones use:
btnitem.setimage(uiimage(named: arritems[intitemcounter]), forstate: .normal)
rather changing button's image 1 want change animated transition can't figure out how.
i've found plenty transitions on uiviews , plenty permanently animating button images nothing transitions such dissolve or swipe left right or whatever.
this question on pretty same mine answer uses objective-c.
so, long story short, there way of transitioning uibutton image 1 in swift?
thanks time in advance.
uibutton subclass of uiview can use uiview.animatewithduration button. example can like:
@ibaction func buttonpressed(sender: uibutton) { uiview.transitionwithview(sender, duration: 1.5, options: .transitionflipfromright, animations: { sender.setimage(uiimage(named: arritems[intitemcounter]), forstate: .normal) }, completion: nil) }
which cause, on tapping, button flip new image.
if want animation other example (fade out/in) can say:
@ibaction func buttonpressed(sender: uibutton) { uiview.animatewithduration(0.5, animations: { sender.alpha = 0.0 }, completion:{(finished) in sender.setimage(uiimage(named: arritems[intitemcounter]), forstate: .normal) uiview.animatewithduration(0.5,animations:{ sender.alpha = 1.0 },completion:nil) }) }
you can cross dissolve so:
@ibaction func buttonpressed(sender: uibutton) { uiview.transitionwithview(sender, duration: 1.5, options: .transitioncrossdissolve, animations: { sender.setimage(uiimage(named: arritems[intitemcounter]), forstate: .normal) }, completion: nil) }
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