ios - How to fetch facebook's profile picture? -

i'm trying fetch user's fb profile pic wasn't able far. i'm trying simple: user log in fb account , app goes view appears name, email , profile picture. user's name , email okay, can't picture!

the app crashing actual code because apparently i'm unwrapping nil optional value, don't know why it's nil.

my code:

override func viewdidload() {     super.viewdidload()      // additional setup after loading view.        let graphrequest : fbsdkgraphrequest = fbsdkgraphrequest(graphpath: "me", parameters: ["fields":"id,email,name,picture.width(480).height(480)"])     graphrequest.startwithcompletionhandler({ (connection, result, error) -> void in           if ((error) != nil)         {             // process error             print("error: \(error)")         }         else         {             print("fetched user: \(result)")             let username : nsstring = result.valueforkey("name") as! nsstring             print("user name is: \(username)")             let useremail : nsstring = result.valueforkey("email") as! nsstring             print("user email is: \(useremail)")              let id = result.valueforkey("id") as! string              self.namelabel.text = username string             self.emaillabel.text = useremail string              self.profilepic.image = self.getprofpic(id)         }      })   }  func getprofpic(fid: string) -> uiimage? {     if (fid != "") {         let imgurlstring = "" + fid + "/picture?type=large" //type=normal         let imgurl = nsurl(string: imgurlstring)         let imagedata = nsdata(contentsofurl: imgurl!)         let image = uiimage(data: imagedata!)  // code crashes in here         return image     }     return nil } 

from comments understand crashes @ image assigning, should doing conditional binding methodology of swift (if let) in order avoid unwrapping nil optional value:

if let data = result["picture"]?["data"] {   if let url = data["url"] as? string   {     profilepictureurl = url   } } 

also, can see not using valueforkey method.
