i trying return boolean method checkinvited()
. method contains class extends asynctask<void,void,string>
. full method
public boolean checkinvited(string player_id){ final string g_id = game_id; final string fr_id = player_id; class checkinvited extends asynctask<void, void, string>{ boolean invited; progressdialog loading; @override protected void onpreexecute(){ super.onpreexecute(); loading = progressdialog.show(invitefriends.this,"checking invite status","please wait...",false,false); } @override protected void onpostexecute(string s){ super.onpostexecute(s); loading.dismiss(); json_string = s; if (s.trim().equals("0")){ invited = false; } else { invited = true; } } @override protected string doinbackground(void... params){ hashmap<string, string> hashmap = new hashmap<>(); hashmap.put(config.key_invites_game_id, g_id); hashmap.put(config.key_invites_player_id, fr_id); requesthandler rh = new requesthandler(); string s = rh.sendpostrequest(config.url_check_invited, hashmap); return s; } } checkinvited ci = new checkinvited(); ci.execute(); return ci.invited; }
this method calls predefined method of sendpostrequest()
contacts mysql database through php. problem getting checkinvited()
method return true or false. return false when know @ least 1 of results should true.
thanks in advance help.
it returns false because async task runs in seperate thread , might take long execute depending on carious factors. returning value before async task completes.
i suggest calling method requires true or false onpostexecute, onpostexecute runs after doinbackground completes.
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