this simple thing, stumped. part of larger thing, code snippet. each of green circles arranged around particle
. when mouse moves around particle
closest gate
should turn red indicate no longer free. closest gate
found comparing pvector heading
of gate
against pvector(mousex,mousey)
using cosine rule.
particle p; void setup() { size(1000, 1000); p = new particle(25); p.setloc(width/2, height/2); } void draw() { background(0); p.update(); pvector mouse = new pvector(mousex, mousey);; p.display(); } class particle { gatemanager gm; pvector loc; float size; float n_size; float r;//radius; float topspeed; boolean clicked; color main = color(200, 200, 0); color highlight = color(255, 0, 0); color colour = color(200, 200, 0); string name; particle(int size_) { loc = new pvector(0,0); this.n_size = size_; this.size = n_size*30000; r = sqrt(size/pi); topspeed = 2000/size; gm = new gatemanager(this); } void setloc(float x, float y) { loc.set(x, y); } void display() { gm.display(); } gate getgate(pvector pv) { pvector pv_ = pvector.sub(pv, loc); return gm.getgate(pv_); } void update() { gm.update(); } }///particle class gate { float size = 5; pvector loc; pvector locp; float angle; boolean free; //edge edge; pvector heading; ///which way pointing? gatemanager parent; float x, y; color colour; color free = color(0, 255, 0); color notfree = color(255, 0, 0); gate(gatemanager gm, float angle_) { this.parent = gm; this.angle = angle_; this.x = parent.parent.r * .5 * cos(angle); this.y = parent.parent.r * .5 * sin(angle); locp = new pvector(x, y); loc = new pvector(x, y); free = true; } boolean isfree() { return free; } void notfree() { free = false; colour = notfree; } void free() { colour = free; free = true; } void update() { free(); heading = pvector.sub(loc, parent.parent.loc); heading.normalize(); loc.set(parent.parent.loc.x +locp.x, parent.parent.loc.y+locp.y); } void display() { nostroke(); fill(colour); ellipse(loc.x, loc.y, size, size); } } class gatemanager { arraylist<gate> gates; int capacity; particle parent; float angle; gatemanager(particle p) { capacity = int(p.n_size*8); this.parent = p; gates = new arraylist<gate>(); angle = two_pi/capacity; (int = 0; i<capacity; i++) { gates.add(new gate(this, angle*i)); } } gate getgate(pvector pv) { float tolerance = -1; int i_val=-1; boolean found = false; (int = 0; i<capacity; i++) { if (gates.get(i).isfree()) { float temp = cosinesimilarity(pv, gates.get(i).heading); if ( (temp>tolerance)) { tolerance = temp; i_val = i; found = true; } } } i_val = constrain(i_val, 0, capacity); text(i_val, 100, height-100); return gates.get(i_val); } void free() { (gate g : gates) {; } } void update() { (gate g : gates) { g.update(); } } void display() { (gate g : gates) { g.display(); } } }//gatemanager float cosinesimilarity(pvector va, pvector vb) { float dotproduct = 0.0; float norma = 0.0; float normb = 0.0; dotproduct += va.x * vb.x; dotproduct += va.y * vb.y; norma += math.pow(va.x, 2); norma += math.pow(va.y, 2); normb += math.pow(vb.x, 2); normb += math.pow(vb.y, 2); return dotproduct / (sqrt(norma) * sqrt(normb)); }
you haven't told code does, or how differs expected. it's hard debug, since don't know think wrong it.
but might able simplify approach using dist()
function instead:
void setup() { size(500, 500); ellipsemode(radius); } void draw() { background(0); float circleonex = 100; float circleoney = 200; float circleoneradius = 50; float circletwox = 400; float circletwoy = 300; float circletworadius = 50; float distancefromcircleone = dist(mousex, mousey, circleonex, circleoney); float distancefromcircletwo = dist(mousex, mousey, circletwox, circletwoy); if (distancefromcircleone < distancefromcircletwo) { //circle 1 closer fill(255, 0, 0); ellipse(circleonex, circleoney, circleoneradius, circleoneradius); fill(0, 0, 255); ellipse(circletwox, circletwoy, circletworadius, circletworadius); } else { //circle 2 closer fill(0, 0, 255); ellipse(circleonex, circleoney, circleoneradius, circleoneradius); fill(255, 0, 0); ellipse(circletwox, circletwoy, circletworadius, circletworadius); } }
if still can't working, please post mcve instead of whole sketch, , try more specific what's not working. try narrow down few lines possible, , try figure out line of code differs expect do.
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