markdown - Python docstrings to Github -

how transcode python doc strings github

even though seems does, cannot seem decent solution , assuming should easy, seems unlikely folks going throw 2 converters…

what have tried

pydoc simple. output of pydoc manpages (groff format unix systems). dead end man md not thing. via html, pydoc3 -w + pandoc, utterly munges docstrings bits.

custom code there seems lots of short custom code, few tried output not seem pydoc, has summary, adds inherited methods , lists attributes.

mkdocs. suggested somewhere. pollutes folder misleading name not docstrings > md converter, md > html.

sphinx + pandoc. after fixing utf-8 issue, gave on sphinx have single py script convert , autodoc setting of quickstart did not parse script. tried in python import sphinx.ext.autodoc tbh documentation long , gave up.


there [year-old unanswered question] (automatically generate github wiki documentation python docstrings) on topic, hope giving lot more detail answer.

i have little bit of code use generate index file project. it's not you're looking for, little wiggle add if statement py files (where have html , png) , grab doc = "your docstrings."...

# warning running file overide existing file in cwd  import os  class indexer:     path = "~"     username = "" # !!! enter github username in provided quotes.     site = "http://"+username+""     proj = ""     # !!! enter repository name in provided quotes.     prod = []     loc=[]      def __init__(self,p):         self.path=p     def fprep(self,name):         name.replace(".","")         name.replace("\\","/")         return(name)     def refprep(self):         ref ="/"+self.proj         qw in self.loc:             ref+="/"+qw         return(ref)     def htmlfrek(self,adir):         self.loc.append(adir)         os.chdir(adir)         pys = [f f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f) , f.split(".")[len(f.split("."))-1]=="py"]         in pys:             open file __doc__ string , append ret         k in folders:             if(k.__contains__(".")):                 continue             ret+=self.htmlfrek(k)         os.chdir("..")         del self.loc[len(self.loc)-1]         return(ret)      def htmlprod(self):         ret = ""         pys = [f f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f) , f.split(".")[len(f.split("."))-1]=="py"]         in pys:             open file __doc__ string , append ret         folders = [f f in os.listdir(".") if not os.path.isfile(f)]         k in folders:             if(k.__contains__(".")):                 continue             ret+=self.htmlfrek(k) = ret         return(ret)  = indexer(".") q=i.htmlprod() #print  w = open("","w") w.write(q) w.close() 
