good morning stackoverflow!
i have small project generates g code, small visualizer see g code recreate on machine.
i trying count pixels in picturebox calculate percentage of red pixels in picturebox.
while have idea how calculate pixels themselves, cannot picturebox showing.
bitmap bmp = new bitmap(pb_graph.width, pb_graph.height, graphics); int redcolor = 0; (int x = 0; x < bmp.width; x++) { (int y = 0; y < bmp.height; y++) { color color = bmp.getpixel(x, y); if (color.toargb() == redcolor++; } } double coverage = redcolor * 100 / (pb_graph.width * pb_graph.height);
i created graphics go it, graphic initialized globally, since many of functions write it.
graphics graphics; public gcoderandomizer() { initializecomponent(); graphics = pb_graph.creategraphics(); graphics.scaletransform(1.0f, -1.0f); graphics.translatetransform(0.0f, -(float)pb_graph.height); graphics.smoothingmode = smoothingmode.antialias; }
exemple of drawline:
graphics.drawline(new pen(, (float)((tempx - xbase) * pb_graph.width / double.parse(tbx_bufferzone_width.text)), (float)((tempy - ybase - 4) * pb_graph.height / double.parse(tbx_bufferzone_height.text)), (float)((x - xbase) * pb_graph.width / double.parse(tbx_bufferzone_width.text)), (float)((y - ybase - 4) * pb_graph.height / double.parse(tbx_bufferzone_height.text)));
what program looks like: myproject
so, need way convert graphics bitmap, because know needed count pixels. problem is: when bitmap bmp = new bitmap(pb_graph.width, pb_graph.height, graphics);
, shows blank image without drawings.
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