Crystal Report Next after a page break -

i need print rows in natural order. in case, need print rows, in other cumulate rows, if repetitive. use variables, placed in detail row (first , last omitted):

{@aggitot} shared numbervar tqtaprezzo; tqtaprezzo:=tqtaprezzo+{righedocumenti.qtagest};  {@mostraqtaprezzo} evaluateafter({@aggitot}); shared numbervar tqtaprezzo; if {extraclienti.dettagliolotti}='si'     {righedocumenti.qtagest} else     tqtaprezzo  {@aggitot2} evaluateafter({@mostraqtaprezzo}); shared numbervar tqtaprezzo; if {righedocumenti.codart}<>next({righedocumenti.codart})     tqtaprezzo:=0 

and condition on detail omit section

{righedocumenti.codart}=next({righedocumenti.codart} , {extraclienti.dettagliolotti}<>'si' 

the reports seems ok, when dettagliolotti='si' , after each page break first row printed shows 1 record, , not 2 or more.

any idea?
