linux - HID USB access vs libusb -

i need access usb device c++ under linux , totally new usb interfacing. device i'm accessing not come driver - shows hid device. device similar machine controller (simple shorts commands in/out). it's not mouse/keyboard - i'm not sure if should show hid device.

from i've read, options access hid device, or blacklist , access using libusb. (please correct me if got wrong). seems hid access way go - otherwise have write kernel driver device.

it seem hid access preferable. there example of how communicate device using hid under linux? simple usb device 1 usb configuration, 1 read endpoint , 1 write endpoint.

i recommend using hidapi. if device setup work such, better way libusb. libusb work, need implement hid spec protocol device. if use hidapi should have implement protocol device on top of hidapi layer. think recall hidapi implemented on top of libusb anyway.
