c# - Build error MSB600 "tsc.exe" exited with code 2 -

can give insight. couldn't find information this. -asp.net 5 project- visual studio 2015 encountered below error

error msb6006 "tsc.exe" exited code 2. c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft\visualstudio\v14.0\typescript\microsoft.typescript.targets 213

edit: line 213 of microsoft.typescript.targets file

  <vstsc   toolpath="$(tsctoolpath)"   toolexe="$(tsctoolexe)"   tsconfigfile="%(configfiles.identity)"   yieldduringtoolexecution="$(tscyieldduringtoolexecution)"   projectdir="$(projectdir)"   toolsversion="$(typescripttoolsversion)"   typescriptcompileblocked="$(typescriptcompileblocked)"   computeoutputonly="false"> 

i have succeded compile gulp-typescript library.

[16:27:47] starting 'build-ts'... process terminated code 0.

[16:27:50] typescript: 4 semantic errors.

[16:27:50] typescript: emit succeeded (with errors)

[16:27:50] finished 'build-ts' after 3.49 s

if having problems asp.net core xproj compilation , don't have .ts file, disable typescript compilation modifying .xproj file , adding:


inside first

<propertygroup>     <typescriptcompileblocked>true</typescriptcompileblocked>     ... </propertygroup>  
