how to retrieve the disk signature of all the disks in Windows using Delphi 7? -

using delphi 7, on windows >= xp, how can retrieve disk signature of every disk computer? preferably without using wmi or diskpart.

and if it's possible, fast too..

thank you.

later edit:

documentation: mbr disks: gpt disks:  how diskpart (method found on google when searching "disk signature"): diskpart >> list disk >> select disk [n] >> detail disk >> disk id: 0e35445b mbr disks , guid: 55fd03f2-6b11-49df-8167-d30b94a4509d gpt disks 

you can use deviceiocontrol , ioctl_disk_get_drive_layout_ex obtain information require.

program disksignatureguid;  {$apptype console}  uses   sysutils, windows;  type   tdrivelayoutinformationmbr = record     signature: dword;   end;    tdrivelayoutinformationgpt = record     diskid: tguid;     startingusableoffset: int64;     usablelength: int64;     maxpartitioncount: dword;   end;    tpartitioninformationmbr = record     partitiontype: byte;     bootindicator: boolean;     recognizedpartition: boolean;     hiddensectors: dword;   end;    tpartitioninformationgpt = record     partitiontype: tguid;     partitionid: tguid;     attributes: int64;     name: array [0..35] of widechar;   end;    tpartitioninformationex = record     partitionstyle: integer;     startingoffset: int64;     partitionlength: int64;     partitionnumber: dword;     rewritepartition: boolean;     case integer of       0: (mbr: tpartitioninformationmbr);       1: (gpt: tpartitioninformationgpt);   end;    tdrivelayoutinformationex = record     partitionstyle: dword;     partitioncount: dword;     drivelayoutinformation: record       case integer of       0: (mbr: tdrivelayoutinformationmbr);       1: (gpt: tdrivelayoutinformationgpt);     end;     partitionentry: array [0..15] of tpartitioninformationgpt;     //hard-coded maximum of 16 partitions   end;  const   partition_style_mbr = 0;   partition_style_gpt = 1;   partition_style_raw = 2;  const   ioctl_disk_get_drive_layout_ex = $00070050;  procedure main; const   // max number of drives assuming primary/secondary, master/slave topology   max_ide_drives = 16; var   i: integer;   drive: string;   hdevice: thandle;   drivelayoutinfo: tdrivelayoutinformationex;   bytesreturned: dword; begin   := 0 max_ide_drives - 1   begin     drive := '\\.\physicaldrive' + inttostr(i);     hdevice := createfile(pchar(drive), 0, file_share_read or file_share_write,       nil, open_existing, 0, 0);     if hdevice <> invalid_handle_value     begin       if deviceiocontrol(hdevice, ioctl_disk_get_drive_layout_ex, nil, 0,         @drivelayoutinfo, sizeof(drivelayoutinfo), bytesreturned, nil)       begin         case drivelayoutinfo.partitionstyle of         partition_style_mbr:           writeln(drive + ', mbr, ' +             inttohex(drivelayoutinfo.drivelayoutinformation.mbr.signature, 8));         partition_style_gpt:           writeln(drive + ', gpt, ' +             guidtostring(drivelayoutinfo.drivelayoutinformation.gpt.diskid));         partition_style_raw:           writeln(drive + ', raw');         end;       end;       closehandle(hdevice);     end;   end; end;  begin   main;   readln; end. 

note since 0 passed dwdesiredaccess parameter of createfile, elevated rights not required. explained, albeit opaquely, in documentation:

direct access disk or volume restricted ... following requirements must met such call succeed:

  • the caller must have administrative privileges.
  • the dwcreationdisposition parameter must have open_existingflag.
  • when opening volume or floppy disk, dwsharemode parameter must have file_share_writeflag.

note dwdesiredaccess parameter can zero, allowing application query device attributes without accessing device. useful application determine size of floppy disk drive , formats supports without requiring floppy disk in drive, instance. can used reading statistics without requiring higher-level data read/write permission.
