i'm trying run sql commands in access vba update blank (null) fields in column value obtained combobox in form.
at moment i'm receiving
run time error '3061' few parameters. expected 1
but appears formed.
the code i'm using below. user passed string, e.g. - "joe bloggs".
public sub testsub(user string) dim db dao.database dim sqlstr string set db currentdb sqlstr = "update ttable1 set field1 = [" & user & "] field1 null;" db.execute sqlstr end sub
i think need have user 'string'
in query using single quotes. also, have used set db = currentdb
instead of using as
public sub testsub(user string) dim db dao.database dim sqlstr string set db = currentdb sqlstr = "update ttable1 set field1 = '" & user & "' field1 null;" db.execute sqlstr end sub
edit: @jarlh has mentioned agree, don't think square parentheses required
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