ios - Passing data between multiple Table View controllers -

after spending days searching solution, reading developer documentation , threads such passing data between view controllers attempting pass data through number of views @ loss.

my application pc bundle builder , utilises 3 tableviewcontrollers. first loads pcs, second monitors , third accessories. when cell tapped next view tableview loads. application loads data three, great! however, create summary page display selected pc, monitor , accessory information (image, name , description).

using pcs (the first view controller) example:

data initialised in pcs.swift

class pc {  //si. mark: pc properties //si. variables because change each cell. var image: uiimage? var name: string var graphics: string var cpu: string var hdd: int var ssd: int? var ram: int var sku: int var price: string  //si. set initial value of each variable init?(image: uiimage?, name: string, graphics: string, cpu: string, hdd: int, ssd: int?, ram: int, sku: int, price: string) {     self.image = image = name = graphics     self.cpu = cpu     self.hdd = 1     self.ssd = nil     self.ram = ram     self.sku = 12345     self.price = price      //si. validation if statement has been          if name.isempty || graphics.isempty || cpu.isempty || hdd < 0 || ram < 0 || sku < 0 || price.isempty {         return nil         }     } } 

test objects created in pctableviewcontroller , placed in array. loadtestpcs placed in viewdidload():

    //si. initialises pcs empty array of objects monitors() store pc details. var pcs = [pc]()  //si. creates data in function "loadtestpcs". func loadtestpcs() {     let pic1 = uiimage(named: "pc1")     let pc1 = pc(image: pic1, name: "pc1", graphics: "radeon r7", cpu: "a6", hdd: 1, ssd:  0, ram:  8, sku: 111110, price: "499.99")      let pic2 = uiimage(named: "pc2")     let pc2 = pc(image: pic2, name: "pc2", graphics: "radeon r7", cpu: "a6", hdd: 1, ssd:  0, ram:  8, sku: 111112, price: "549.99")      let pic3 = uiimage(named: "pc3")     let pc3 = pc(image: pic3, name: "pc3", graphics: "radeon r7", cpu: "a6", hdd: 1, ssd:  0, ram:  8, sku: 111113, price: "599.99")      //si. adds details stored in pc1,2 , 3 pcs array.     //     pcs += [pc1!, pc2!, pc3!]  } 

then have used following retrieve desired data tapped cell:

override func tableview(tableview: uitableview, didselectrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) {      //si. created constant pctableviewcell set earlier reuse identifier prototype cell in table view controller.     //si. type of cell needs downcast custom cell subclass (pctableviewcell).     let cellidentifier = "pctableviewcell"     let cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier(cellidentifier, forindexpath: indexpath) as! pctableviewcell      var currentpc = []     let pc = pcs[indexpath.row]      cell.picimageview.image = pc.image     cell.namelabel.text =     cell.pricelabel.text = pc.price      currentpc = [cell.picimageview.image!, cell.namelabel.text!, cell.pricelabel.text!]      print(currentpc) } 

my problem how pass currentpc next tableviewcontroller (where currentmonitors used store selected monitor. passed on (collecting selected accessory) , finally, data passed summary view labels used outlets display selected options.

the question ask how handle on next tableviewcontroller within first tableviewcontroller. answer depends on how you're instantiating second tvc -- using storyboards, or initializing in code , pushing manually?

storyboard case:

var pctodisplay: array<anyobject>?  override func tableview(tableview: uitableview, didselectrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) {      (...)     self.pcfornexttableview = currentpc     performseguewithidentifier("nexttableview", sender: nil) }  override public func prepareforsegue(segue: uistoryboardsegue, sender: anyobject?) {     if segue.identifier == "nexttableview", let nexttableview = segue.destinationviewcontroller as? pctableviewcontroller {     nexttableview.pctodisplay = self.pcfornexttableview } 

manual case:

override func tableview(tableview: uitableview, didselectrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) {      (...)     let nexttableview = pctableviewcontroller()     nexttableview.pctodisplay = currentpc     self.navigationcontroller?.pushviewcontroller(nexttableview, animated: true) } 
