java - How to fill particular td's with dynamic values -

i sharing image below shows have list value id, details,parameter,and values. able fill in id , details, failed fill parameter , value.

i shearing image shows have list value id, details,parameter,values, able fill id & details, failed fill parameter & value.

below java class creating list passed controller. getting value cant display in in td:

public class comparray {    public arraylist<rules> a1= new arraylist<rules>();  public comparray (){         rules rul = new rules();         rul.setid("1001");         rul.setdetails("khagfkj");         rul.setparameter("lsrkjglkrs");         rul.setvalue("lskdjfk");      a1.add(rul);   } public arraylist<rules> getrules(){      return a1; } 


@requestmapping(value = "/compplan", method = requestmethod.get) public string listrules1(modelmap model) { comparray obj1 = new comparray(); model.addattribute("listrule1", obj1.a1); return "hello"; } 


  <c:if test="${!empty listrule1}">             <table  border ="2">                 <tr>                     <th align="center"><b>rule id</b></th>                     <th align="center"><b> rule details </b></th>                     <th align="center"><b>rule type </b></th>                     <th align="center"><b>rule validity </b></th>                     <th align="center"><b>parameter </b></th>                     <th align="center"><b>value</b></th>                 </tr>     <c:foreach items="${listrule1}" var="obj1">                     <tr>                         <td>${}</td>                         <td>${obj1.details}</td>                         <td>${obj1.parameter}</td>                         <td>${obj1.value}</td>                      </tr>                                            </c:foreach>              </table></c:if> 

can tell how issue can fixed? thank in advance yours suggestion , help.

try use not empty inatead of !empty toverify if condition this:

  <c:if test="${ not empty listrule1}"> 
