i'm using swift 2.2 , declared protocol associated type follow:
protocol collectionviewmodeling { associatedtype celltype func cellatindexpath(indexpath: nsindexpath) -> celltype }
now have view model protocol conform above protocol :
enum myitemcell { case myitemcell1, myitemcell2 } protocol itemslistviewmodeling: collectionviewmodeling { associatedtype celltype = mycell }
finally, somewhere else, want declare var conform le protocol itemslistviewmodeling :
var viewmodel: itemslistviewmodeling
and i'm getting error :
protocol 'itemslistviewmodeling' can used generic constraint because has self or associated type requirements
but can create class implements protocol.
is possible declare var associated typed protocol ? i'm giving final type of associated type in protocol itemslistviewmodeling, don't understand why seeing error compiler.
see there stackoverflow.com
you can't treat protocols associated types regular protocols , declare them standalone variable types.
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