here folder structure want create yaml file google app engine deployment. confused how go it.
mainfolder login.php register.php includefolder db_connect.php apifolder coachlist.php coachlistfolder coach1.png coach2.png exerciselist.php
the indentation indicates parent folder , child files. can change folder structure more suitable google app engine.
this code yaml file on windows. script cannot mapped static_dir. php files in apifolder has assigned url unlike png files in coachlistfolder. if php file kept in static_dir downloaded , not displayed.
application: <name of application> version: 1 runtime: php55 api_version: 1 handlers: - url: /favicon\.ico static_files: favicon.ico upload: favicon\.ico - url: /login.php script: /login.php - url: /register.php script: /register.php - url: /coachlist.php script: /apifolder/coachlist.php - url: /exerciselist.php script: /apifolder/exerciselist.php - url: /images static_dir: /apifolder/coachlistfolder
app.yaml should show urls php files user can access. db_connect, folder has database connection information, should not accessible. hence, not included in yaml file.
note: think, when using linux systems, forward slash not used before script , static_dir.
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