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- how test multiple variables against value? 14 answers
this code shop in python rpg game. whatever value select, code executes things if typed dagger. never tells me have insufficient funds. same answer
global gcredits dagger = item('iron dagger', 5, 5) sword = item('iron sword', 10, 12) armour = item('iron armour', 15, 20) print ("welcome shop! buy amour , weapon needs here!") print ("you have",gcredits,"galactic credits!") print (,': cost:', dagger.value,'attack points:', dagger.hvalue) print (,': cost:', sword.value,'attack points:', sword.hvalue) print (,': cost:', armour.value,'attack points:', armour.hvalue) choice = input('what buy?').upper() if choice == 'dagger' or 'iron dagger' or 'irondagger': print ("you have selected iron dagger.") if gcredits >= 5: print ('purchase successful') gcredits = gcredits - 5 dequip = true shop() elif gcredits < 5: print ("you have got insufficient funds") shop() elif choice == 'sword' or 'iron sword' or 'ironsword': if gcredits >= 10: print ('purchase successful') gcredits = gcredits - 10 sequip = true shop() elif gcredits < 10: print ("you have got insufficient funds") shop() elif choice == 'armour' or 'iron armour' or 'ironarmour': if gcredits >= 15: print ('purchase successful') gcredits = gcredits - 15 aequip = true shop() elif gcredits < 15: print ("you have got insufficient funds") shop() else: print ("that not item. try again.") shop()
the way write or
condition wrong:
if choice == 'dagger' or 'iron dagger' or 'irondagger':
it supposed be:
if choice == 'dagger' or choice == 'iron dagger' or choice == 'irondagger':
or, more pythonically:
if choice in ('dagger', 'iron dagger', 'irondagger'):
when if choice == 'dagger' or 'iron dagger'
happen not check if
- your
or if - your
iron dagger
but check if
- your
or - if
iron dagger
note if 'iron dagger'
return true
if 'iron dagger': #this true
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