11 migrating esql message flow , bar file codes v7.1 iib9. doing need convert messageflows in subflows. creating bar files in mqsicreatebar command chose 'deployassource' option. after creation of bar files noticed bar files include esql , subflows part of compilable main message flow have provided in mqsicreatebar. when deployed bar execution group noticed every esql , subflows deployed. ideally main messageflow should have deployed on execution group. there or option not choosing while migration, please suggest.
in toolkit, open bar editor.
on 'prepare' tab, on over right-hand side list of 4 checkboxes. 1 of these 'compile , in-line resources' - check this.
in main editor page, make sure msgflows selected. build , save.
when inside bar file, should have cmf files.
edit: op wanted use cmd line generating bar file. here command used:
mqsicreatebar -data c:\users\adam\ibm\iibt10\workspace -b c:\users\adam\cmd.bar -p foo -o /foo/foo1.msgflow
the mqsicreatebar
command documentation might useful you.
i think using deployassource
option mistake in case. here's doc has option.
(optional) include parameter deploy applicable resource files without compiling them. when-deployassource
parameter used, applicable resources added bar file source files, , not compiled message flow .cmf files.you cannot include both compiled (.cmf) , source (.msgflow) versions of message flow in bar file.
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