javascript - XMLHttpRequest "Failed to load resource" with Safari -

i try data string xmlhttprequest microcontroller. request works internet explorer, firefox, chrome , opera without errors in browser konsole. safari makes problems error "failed load resource: network connection lost." microcontroller answers data sting (5 bytes).

function httpgetfreq(){     var xmlhttp = new xmlhttprequest();     xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {          if (xmlhttp.readystate == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200){             freq = parsefloat(xmlhttp.responsetext) / 1000;             animate ();         }     }     xmlhttp.overridemimetype('text/plain');"get", "frequenz", true);     xmlhttp.send(null); } 

"failed load resource: network connection lost" might due 1 of following reasons.

  1. xhr requests page content-length > actual content length in case safari: waits until timeout, error event, "failed load resource: network connection lost." in console

  2. xhr requests page content-length > actual content length ending in abrupt server termination safari: error event, "failed load resource: network connection lost." in console

so probable reason might content length mismatch, please check in wire-shark if content length recieved , sent equal or if packet missing
