system.reactive - FRP example with event loop or thread pool -

my question ruby rx library, although example in language gladly appreciated. want schedule every operation existing event loop (or thread pool, matter). guess has done scheduler. haven't found example of scheduler sending recursive operations event loop, , why i'm asking. here's list ruby rx:

why event loop? because want add io operations work inside event loop , leverage concurrency. this:

rx::observable.from_enumerable(hosts).   map { |h| http.connect(h) }.   map{|host| host.get("http://myservice/somelist.txt") }.   on_next { |html| parse(html).each_line.....} # idea 

this done scheduler, , expect rubyrx port has included eventloopscheduler.

you can either enqueue/scheduler them onto observeon operator

rx::observable.from_enumerable(hosts).   observeon(els). # have declared els somewhere else eventloopscheduler instance   map { |h| http.connect(h) }.   map{|host| host.get("http://myservice/somelist.txt") }.   on_next { |html| parse(html).each_line.....} # idea 

or add concurrency in map

rx::observable.from_enumerable(hosts).   observeon(els). # have declared els somewhere else eventloopscheduler instance   map { |h| http.connect(h) }.   flatmap{|host| rx::observable.start(host.get("http://myservice/somelist.txt"), els) }.   on_next { |html| parse(html).each_line.....} # idea 

i hope code work (i c#/js)
