REST services in ColdFusion 11 -

i trying create new rest service in coldfusion , wanted try not passing in parameters if don't have value them getting 'not found' response function.

rest service cfc:

 <cfcomponent rest="true" restpath="/crudservice">                <cffunction name="gethandlerjson" access="remote" httpmethod="get" restpath="{customerid}" returntype="query" produces="application/json">             <cfargument name="customerid" required="false" restargsource="path" type="numeric" default=-1/>                  <cfset myquery = querynew("id,name","integer,varchar",[[1, "sagar"], [2, "ganatra"]])>                 <cfquery dbtype="query" name="resultquery">                     select * myquery 1=1                     <cfif arguments.customerid neq -1>                         , id = #arguments.customerid#                     </cfif>                 </cfquery>              <cfreturn resultquery>          </cffunction>     </cfcomponent> 

and how calling it:

<cfhttp url="" result="restresult" method="get" />  <cfdump var="#deserializejson(restresult.filecontent,false)#"> 

and outcome:


what want able call service without id , of results back. need create separate function this? best practice?

when passing parameters rest service cfc via path params must exist in url. if not, path cf looking @ not correct.

i believe need separate function return results...or, pass huge number 1000000.
