javascript - JSON Cross-Domain Error -

well guys... i've tried lots fix problem, catching solutions here , in others sites... don't solution problem!

well what's real problem.. it's simple have code:

    function refreshradiostats() { = true;     $.get('', function(data){         var templatestats = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-music"></span> '+ j_lang[0] +                             '<marquee><h4><i>'+data.musica_atual+'</i></h4></marquee><br>'+                             '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-headphones"></span> '+j_lang[1]+': <b>'+data.ouvintes_conectados+                             '</b><br>'+                             '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span> '+j_lang[3]+': <b>'+locutor+'</b><br><br>'+                             '<button type="button" class="btn btn-info" id="refreshstadistics" style="width:100%"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh"></span> '+ j_lang[2] +'</button>';         $('#resultse').append(templatestats);     },'json'); } 

ok, what's problem? problem is: script apparently can't acess website , this, doesn't work. problem:

xmlhttprequest cannot load 'access-control-allow-origin' header contains multiple values '*, *', 1 allowed. origin 'stack don't allow me post more 2 links' therefore not allowed access.

the script works, because i've tested other site in json , works perfectly. i've put in web.config:

<httpprotocol>        <customheaders>          <add name="access-control-allow-origin" value="*" />      </customheaders>  </httpprotocol> 

and same problem, guys me this?

i've fix well, after try things , @mattferderer opened mind, figured out what's going on this...

first i've removed web.config side , leave header() function. okay first problem fixed (lol);

and than, i've figured out why $.getjson() don't load informations of other website... it's simple, add (at least did in php) this:

header('content-type: text/javascript'); 

in case, page in format text/html, $.getjson() not able load informations in page!

thanks guys , sorry terrible english!

try removing access-control-allow-origin web.config since problem access-control-allow-origin being used twice. if in response headers shows this:

http/1.1 200 ok content-type: text/html content-encoding: gzip vary: accept-encoding server: microsoft-iis/7.5 x-powered-by: php/5.5.11 access-control-allow-origin: * x-powered-by: access-control-allow-origin: * date: wed, 06 apr 2016 14:43:54 gmt content-length: 387 
