python - In sympy, is it possible for ratsimp to simplify also a non fraction element? -

with snippet:

from sympy import * init_printing(use_latex='mathjax') a,b,c=symbols('a b c') ratsimp(a+1/b+1/c) 

i get

a + (b + c)/(b*c) 


(a*b*c + b + c)/(b*c) 

because need numerator of fraction.

is possible?

here screenshot, out[1] while out[2]:

enter image description here

as ratsimp documentation says, final step reduce rational function, extract polynomial part. since not want, should not use ratsimp. instead, use cancel on common denominator, , if want numerator , denominator separately, use .as_numer_denom()

>>> cancel(a+1/b+1/c) (a*b*c + b + c)/(b*c) >>> f, g = cancel(a+1/b+1/c).as_numer_denom() >>> f a*b*c + b + c >>> g b*c 
