java - Purpose of using mavenized Bootstrap -

in jsp, can use bootstrap classes in html. i've seen in projects, people use taglibs manner adding maven dependency like:

<dependency>      <groupid>com.efsavage.twitter.bootstrap</groupid>      <artifactid>bootstrap-maven</artifactid>      <version>2.3.1</version> </dependency> 

then including taglib in jsp file:

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="bs" %> 

and using tags like:

<bs:button text="submit" /> 

my question when , why way better linking twitter bootstrap css file , using classes in our jsp pages?

there several reasons this. when want include 3rd party css or javascript resource, have 2 choices:

  • point directly @ external resource serves it
  • download , include in project

pointing @ external resources can problematic: can die @ anytime or temporarily down. such approach, dependent on outside of control, bad idea.

this leave approach of downloading manually , including in project. conceptually, depending on library , maven tool supposed handle that. hence adding maven dependency makes sense: declaring project dependent on external resource.

from the github repo:

this library gives way drop twitter bootstrap project maven dependency, means don't have include these third party files in own source control.
