C - how to print the value of the pointer [0][0] in a 2D array -

i want print board this: enter image description here

and in given code, have these values (unchangeable code):

#ifndef board_h #define board_h  #define board_width 10 #define board_height 10  typedef enum cell {     empty, //0     blocked, //1     player //2 } cell;  #define empty_output " "  cell board_1[board_height][board_width]; cell board_2[board_height][board_width];  void initialiseboard(cell board[board_height][board_width]); void displayboard(cell board[board_height][board_width]); 

i have tried writing initialiseboard() in many ways like:

void initialiseboard(cell board[board_height][board_width]) {     int i, j;     int *temp = null;      ( = 0; < 10; i++)         (j = 0; j < 10; j++)             board[i][j] = empty; }  void initialiseboard(cell board[board_height][board_width]) {     int i, j;     int *temp = null;      ( = 0; < 10; i++)         (j = 0; j < 10; j++)         {             if (i == 0 && j == 0)             {                 *temp = empty;                 board[0][0] = temp;             }             else                 board[i][j] = empty;         } } 

because know first cell in board @ [0][0] pointer, tried many ways referenced value return address. please have @ code below , suggest me approach. thank much!

void displayboard(cell board[board_height][board_width]) {     int i, j;     (i = 0; <= 10; i++)     {         if (i == 0)         {             printf("\t|%s|", empty_output);             (j = 0; j < 10; j++)                 printf("%d|", j);             printf("\n");         }         else         {             (j = 0; j <= 10; j++)             {                 if (j == 0)                     printf("\t|%d|", - 1);                 else                 {                     char* c;                      /*unsigned *p = &board[0][0];                      if (i == 1 && j == 1)                         c = (*p == empty) ? empty_output : "?";*/                      if (i == 1 && j == 1)                         c = (board[0][0] == empty) ? empty_output : "?";                     else                         c = (board[i - 1][j - 1] == empty) ? empty_output : "?";                     printf("%s|", c);                 }             }             printf("\n");         }     }     printf("\n%d\n", board[0][0]);  } 

when run displayboard(): enter image description here

at [0][0], returns address.

board[0][0] base address of 2d array , printing base address of 2d array if want print value @ address should use '*' shows value @ address in case should use *((board+0)+0) can try , let me know if there issue :)
