i have problem when trying compile project using "grails compile". following error:
| configuring classpath | error error executing script compile: startup failed: _grailsclasspath_groovy: 17: unable resolve class org.codehaus.groovy.grails.compiler.grailsprojectcompiler @ line 17, column 1.
i new groovy/grails, assume problem classpath somewhere. however, can't find file containing string "grailsprojectcompiler" in project. tried searching google , stackoverflow similar problems, 1 found (http://grails.1312388.n4.nabble.com/unable-to-resolve-class-org-codehaus-groovy-grails-compiler-grailsprojectcompiler-td4641043.html) did not work me.
does 1 have suggestions wrong?
edit: grails version 2.3, mac os x el capitan running jdk 1.8
as mentioned in question: does grails 2.3.x support jdk 8
support java 8 had been added since grails 2.4.
try java 1.7
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