okay, has been bugging me while , have tried many things now.
i'm trying run powershell script - user account regular 1 on domain, local administrator on computer. therefore i've created powershell script prompting me credentials (where type credentials of domain administrator account) used invoke script needs domain administrator elevation. script looks this:
invoke-command -filepath "c:\temp\script.ps1" -computername localhost -credential get-credential
here script.ps1
script needs domain administrator elevation.
executing shown script results in prompt credential , following error:
[localhost] connecting remote server localhost failed following error message : access denied.
i've tried messing around .bat file looking this:
set thisscriptsdirectory=%~dp0 set powershellscriptpath=%thisscriptsdirectory%script.ps1 powershell -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -command "& {start-process powershell -argumentlist '-noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file ""%powershellscriptpath%""' -verb runas}";
aswell, can't make work - not elevating script domain administrator level.
lastly however, need mention script want run domain elevation works if open powershell domain administrator elevation, navigates c:\temp\script.ps1 , executes .\script.ps1.
any suggestions?
if have local administrative rights, run powershell administrator , run invoke-command
without -credential
if you're running script locally, don't need invoke-command
. you're better off running script , passing arguments it.
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