i'm trying create vertex shader loads texture , uses distort sphere. though texture seamless when put on sphere, distortion has gaps between triangles. seen in image below.
i think somthing going wrong when sampling texture, i'm not sure. here code i'm using vertex shader:
cbuffer matrixbuffer { matrix worldmatrix; matrix viewmatrix; matrix projectionmatrix; }; cbuffer explosionbuffer { float3 distortion; float time; }; texture2d shadertexture; samplerstate sampletype; //structs struct vertexinputtype { float4 position : position; float2 tex : texcoord0; float3 normal : normal; }; struct pixelinputtype { float4 position : sv_position; float2 tex : texcoord0; float3 normal : normal; float4 deltap : deltapos; }; //vertex shader pixelinputtype explosionvertexshader(vertexinputtype input) { pixelinputtype output; //sample noise texture uint3 samplecoord = uint3(512*input.tex.x, 512*input.tex.y, 0); float4 distex = shadertexture.load(samplecoord); //calculate displacement based on noise tex , distortion buffer float displacement; displacement = distortion.x * distex.r + distortion.y * distex.g + distortion.z * distex.b; displacement = displacement * 2; displacement = distex.r + distex.g + distex.b; input.position = input.position * (1 + displacement); //set w 1 proper matrix calculations. input.position.w = 1.0f; // calculate position of vertex against world, view, , projection matrices. output.position = mul(input.position, worldmatrix); output.position = mul(output.position, viewmatrix); output.position = mul(output.position, projectionmatrix); // store input color pixel shader use. output.tex = input.tex; output.normal = input.normal; output.deltap.x = displacement; return output; }
i think problem is, you're sampling texels out of range.
the lines
//sample noise texture uint3 samplecoord = uint3(512*input.tex.x, 512*input.tex.y, 0); float4 distex = shadertexture.load(samplecoord);
are sampling coordinates in [0,512] range, goes out of bounds (assuming you're using 512² texture). load method expects input coordinates in [0,texturedimension-1].
therefore crack in model can explained note documentation:
note when 1 or more of coordinates in location exceed u, v, or w mipmap level dimensions of texture, load returns 0 in components. direct3d guarantees return 0 resource accessed out of bounds.
so effected vertices displaced zero.
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