c++ - OpenCV: PNG image with alpha channel -

i'm new opencv , i've done small poc reading image url.
i'm reading image url using video capture. code follows:

videocapture vc; vc.open("http://files.kurento.org/img/mario-wings.png"); if(vc.isopened() && vc.grab())  {        cv::mat logo;        vc.retrieve(logo);        cv::namedwindow("t");        imwrite( "mario-wings-opened.png", logo);        cv::imshow("t", logo);        cv::waitkey(0);        vc.release(); } 

this image not opened correctly, possibly due alpha channel. way preserve alpha channel , image correctly?

any appreciated.

expected output

expected output

actual output

actual output

if loading image, recommend use imread instead, also, need specified second parameter of imread load alpha channel too, cv_load_image_unchanged or cv::imread_unchanged, depending on version (in worst case -1 works).

as far know, videocaptureclass not load images/video 4th channel. since using web url, loading image won't work imread, may use method download data (curl example) , use imdecode data buffer cv::mat. opencv library image processing, not downloading images.
