python - How to use py.test fixtures without importing them -

say have file defines simple py.test fixture called foobar.

normally have import fixture use (including of sub-fixtures), this:

from fixtures import foobar  def test_bazinga(foobar): 

note don't want use star import.

how import fixture can write:

import fixtures  def test_bazinga(foobar): 

is possible? seems it, because py.test defines such fixtures (e.g. monkeypatch).

fixtures , visibility bit odd in pytest. don't require importing, if defined them in test_*.py file, they'll available in file.

you can put them in (project- or subfolder-wide) use them in multiple files.

pytest-internal fixtures defined in core plugin, , available everywhere. in fact, nothing else per-directory plugin.

you can run py.test --fixtures see fixtures coming from.
