Rails 4: scroll browser window to form after failed submission (validation errors) -

so have form (typical articles , comments example) comments @ bottom of page. if validation fails display validation errors.

thats comments controller code:

class commentscontroller < applicationcontroller   before_action :authenticate_admin!, only: [:destroy]   expose(:article)   expose(:comment, attributes: :comment_params)   expose(:reply) { reply.new }    def create     comment.article = article     if verify_recaptcha(model: comment, message: t('captcha_verification_error')) && comment.save       flash[:comment_notice] = t('comment_created_successfully')       redirect_to article_path(article) + '#comments'     else       flash[:comment_errors] = comment.errors.full_messages       render 'articles/show'     end   end    def destroy     comment.destroy     redirect_to article_path(article)   end    private    def comment_params     params.require(:comment).permit(:author, :content)   end end 

here form:

= simple_form_for(comment, url: article_comments_path(article)) |f|   - if flash[:comment_errors]     .alert.alert-danger       strong= pluralize(flash[:comment_errors].count, 'error') + ' prohibited article being saved:'       - flash[:comment_errors].each |msg|           ul             li= msg   fieldset class='form-group'     = f.label t('author')     = f.text_field :author, class: 'form-control', placeholder: t('who_are_you')   fieldset class='form-group'     = f.label t('content')     = f.text_area :content, class: 'form-control', rows: 6, placeholder: t('what_do_you_want_to_say')   fieldset class='form-group'     = recaptcha_tags   fieldset class='form-group'     = f.submit t('create_comment'), class: 'btn btn-primary' 

for forms i'm using simple-form. i'm using decent exposure , slim

i want my page scroll down form after validation fails (so user don't have scroll manually). there simple way achieve that?

afaik can't pass anchor render (that solve problem). ideas?

so solved javascript placed in comment form:

javascript:   if (document.getelementbyid("comment_errors")) {     location.hash = '#new_comment';   } 

when element id 'comment_errors' (my validation errors div) exists jumps it.
