Python not putting out actual result -

i'm compiling list essid of available networks in area used purpose.

this script:

from subprocess import check_output scanoutput = check_output(["iwlist", "wlan0", "scan"])  line in scanoutput.split():         if line.startswith("essid:"):                 line=line[7:-1]                 print line 

when run command "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan | grep essid" ssh, output:

            essid:"easybell dsl"             essid:"fritz!box fon wlan 7360 sl_ext"             essid:"notrespassing"             essid:"wlan-519293"             essid:"cinque"             essid:"easybox-738461"             essid:"fritz!box wlan 3270"             essid:"easybox-a2b246" 

sadly, python script outputs:

easybel fritz!bo notrespassing wlan-519293 cinque easybox-738461 fritz!bo easybox-a2b246 

with closer inspection looks borks out when there space, seems remove 1 last letter before space before printing it. can explain going on here?

as far can tell code


is 7 responsible remove first 7 characters, thus: essid:" , -1 responsible last " resulting in clean line ssid name.

when run code without line output:

essid:"easybell essid:"notrespassing" essid:"wlan-519293" essid:"cinque" essid:"easybox-738461" essid:"fritz!box essid:"fritz!box 

how possible ssh line can proper information, when have python run code looses parts?

any way fix this?


split() default cuts on whitespace, need explicitly set split() separator \n:

string.split(s[, sep[, maxsplit]]): if optional second argument sep absent or none, words separated arbitrary strings of whitespace characters (space, tab, newline, return, formfeed)

>>> test = ''' essid:"easybell dsl" essid:"fritz!box fon wlan 7360 sl_ext" essid:"notrespassing" [...] ''' >>> l in test.split(): ...     if l.startswith('essid'): ...         print(l[7:-1]) ...          easybel fritz!bo notrespassing [...] >>> l in test.split('\n'): ...     if l.startswith('essid'): ...         print(l[7:-1]) ...          easybell dsl fritz!box fon wlan 7360 sl_ext notrespassing [...] 

or use splitlines():

>>> l in test.splitlines(): ...     if l.startswith('essid'): ...         print(l[7:-1]) ...          easybell dsl fritz!box fon wlan 7360 sl_ext notrespassing [...] 
