javascript - Application Lags after 2-3 times Navigates -

hello, i'm trying create first application, , publish website. i'm on end, application won't run smoothly. old question, how create goback button, got answer example. example, goback button, continued add other pages application. first 2-3 times, if go page goes smoothly, 4 , next times, lags. can check code errors or something. page's based on webview.

i'm getting errors in visual studio:

"the method windows.ui.applicationsettings.settingspane.getforcurrentview has been deprecated. settingspane deprecated , might not work on platforms. more info, see msdn. eval code (2) (1,7)"

"csp14312: resource violated directive 'script-src ms-appx: 'unsafe-eval'' in host defined policy: inline script. resource blocked. "


(function () { "use strict";  var activation = windows.applicationmodel.activation; var app = winjs.application; var nav = winjs.navigation; var sched = winjs.utilities.scheduler; var ui = winjs.ui;  var viewmanagement = windows.ui.viewmanagement; var applicationviewwindowingmode = viewmanagement.applicationviewwindowingmode; var applicationview = viewmanagement.applicationview;  app.onactivated = function (args) {     if (args.detail.kind === activation.activationkind.launch) {         if (args.detail.previousexecutionstate !== activation.applicationexecutionstate.terminated) {             var currentview = windows.ui.core.systemnavigationmanager.getforcurrentview();             currentview.appviewbackbuttonvisibility = windows.ui.core.appviewbackbuttonvisibility.visible;             currentview.onbackrequested = onbackrequested;             function onbackrequested(eventargs) {                 if (winjs.navigation.cangoback) {                     winjs.navigation.back(1).done(function (successinformation) {                         /*this success function*/                     }, function (error) {                         /*this error function*/                     });                 }             }         } else {             // todo: application suspended , terminated.             // create smooth user experience, restore application state here looks app never stopped running.         }          nav.history = app.sessionstate.history || {};         nav.history.current.initialplaceholder = true;          // optimize load of application , while splash screen shown, execute high priority scheduled work.         ui.disableanimations();         var p = ui.processall().then(function () {             return nav.navigate(nav.location || application.navigator.home, nav.state);         }).then(function () {             return sched.requestdrain(sched.priority.abovenormal + 1);         }).then(function () {             ui.enableanimations();         });          args.setpromise(winjs.ui.processall());         applicationview.preferredlaunchwindowingmode = applicationviewwindowingmode.fullscreen;     } };  app.oncheckpoint = function (args) {     // todo: application suspended. save state needs persist across suspensions here.     // might use winjs.application.sessionstate object, automatically saved , restored across suspension.     // if need complete asynchronous operation before application suspended, call args.setpromise().     app.sessionstate.history = nav.history; };  app.start(); })(); 


(function () { "use strict";  var nav = winjs.navigation;  winjs.namespace.define("application", {     pagecontrolnavigator: winjs.class.define(         // define constructor function pagecontrolnavigator.         function pagecontrolnavigator(element, options) {             this._element = element || document.createelement("div");             this._element.appendchild(this._createpageelement());              this.home = options.home;              this._eventhandlerremover = [];              var = this;             function addremovableeventlistener(e, eventname, handler, capture) {                 e.addeventlistener(eventname, handler, capture);                 that._eventhandlerremover.push(function () {                     e.removeeventlistener(eventname, handler);                 });             };              addremovableeventlistener(nav, 'navigating', this._navigating.bind(this), false);             addremovableeventlistener(nav, 'navigated', this._navigated.bind(this), false);              window.onresize = this._resized.bind(this);              application.navigator = this;         }, {             home: "",             /// <field domelement="true" />             _element: null,             _lastnavigationpromise:,             _lastviewstate: 0,              // loaded page object.             pagecontrol: {                 get: function () { return this.pageelement && this.pageelement.wincontrol; }             },              // root element of current page.             pageelement: {                 get: function () { return this._element.firstelementchild; }             },              // function disposes page navigator , contents.             dispose: function () {                 if (this._disposed) {                     return;                 }                  this._disposed = true;                 winjs.utilities.disposesubtree(this._element);                 (var = 0; < this._eventhandlerremover.length; i++) {                     this._eventhandlerremover[i]();                 }                 this._eventhandlerremover = null;             },              // creates container new page loaded into.             _createpageelement: function () {                 var element = document.createelement("div");                 element.setattribute("dir", window.getcomputedstyle(this._element, null).direction);        = "absolute";        = "hidden";        = "100%";        = "100%";                 return element;             },              // retrieves list of animation elements current page.             // if page not define list, animate entire page.             _getanimationelements: function () {                 if (this.pagecontrol && this.pagecontrol.getanimationelements) {                     return this.pagecontrol.getanimationelements();                 }                 return this.pageelement;             },              _navigated: function () {        = "";                 winjs.ui.animation.enterpage(this._getanimationelements()).done();             },              // responds navigation adding new pages dom.              _navigating: function (args) {                 var newelement = this._createpageelement();                 this._element.appendchild(newelement);                  this._lastnavigationpromise.cancel();                  var = this;                  function cleanup() {                     if (that._element.childelementcount > 1) {                         var oldelement = that._element.firstelementchild;                         // cleanup , remove previous element                          if (oldelement.wincontrol) {                             if (oldelement.wincontrol.unload) {                                 oldelement.wincontrol.unload();                             }                             oldelement.wincontrol.dispose();                         }                         oldelement.parentnode.removechild(oldelement);                         oldelement.innertext = "";                     }                 }                  this._lastnavigationpromise = () {                     return winjs.ui.pages.render(args.detail.location, newelement, args.detail.state);                 }).then(cleanup, cleanup);                  args.detail.setpromise(this._lastnavigationpromise);             },              // responds resize events , call updatelayout function             // on loaded page.             _resized: function (args) {                 if (this.pagecontrol && this.pagecontrol.updatelayout) {           , this.pageelement);                 }             },         }     ) }); })(); 

settingspane class not available in windows 10 platforms


to fix problem, go settings, add/remove programs , select visual studio. choosing modify option able add components have not installed. found windows phone 8.0 sdk component not installed, once installed fixed problem.
