i have create trigger table many columns , want if possibility avoid using name of column after :new , :old. instead of use column name want use element collection column names of target table (the table on trigger set).
the line 25 binding error:
dbms_output.put_line('updating customer id'||col_name(i)||to_char(:new.col_name(i)));
bellow can see trigger:
create or replace trigger test_trg before insert or update on items referencing old old new new each row declare type col_list table of varchar2(60); col_name col_list := col_list(); total integer; counter integer :=0; begin select count(*) total user_tab_columns table_name = 'items'; rec in (select column_name user_tab_columns table_name = 'items' ) loop col_name.extend; counter :=counter+1; col_name(counter) := rec.column_name; dbms_output.put_line(col_name(counter)); end loop; dbms_output.put_line(to_char(total)); in 1 .. col_name.count loop if updating(col_name(i)) dbms_output.put_line('updating customer id'||col_name(i)||to_char(:new.col_name(i))); end if; end loop; end;
i must refine previous answer based on has been said justin cave , findings. can create dynamic list of values triggered inserting , updating, based on referencing clause (old , new). example have created 2 collections of type nested table varchars. 1 collection contain column tabs, strings, use auditing , collection contains values columns binding reference (ex. :new.). after inserting predicate have created index collection (an associative array) of strings id taken list of strings column tab name , value taken list of values columns referenced new. due index collection have full working dynamic list @ disposal. luck :-)
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