sql - Condensing duplicate data while maintaining multiple entries per client -

i apologize if title not descriptive enough. having hard time describing looking for.

i understand done on front end client requesting have data displayed in way. should show single column client information (lastname, firstname) , any/all booked appointments. since there may more 1 appointment per client duplicate data displayed along each line. this:

lastname | firstname | apptdate | mystarttime | myendtime

smith..............| john................| 4/7/2016........| 7:00.........................| 8:00

smith..............| john................| 4/9/2016........| 6:00.........................| 7:00

smith..............| john................| 4/14/2016......| 10:00.......................| 11:00

arnold.............| williams..........| 4/10/2016......| 7:00.........................| 11:00

arnold.............| williams..........| 4/11/2016......| 8:00.........................| 12:00

but displayed as:

smith..............| john................| 4/7/2016........| 7:00.........................| 8:00

................................................| 4/9/2016........| 6:00.........................| 7:00

................................................| 4/14/2016......| 10:00.......................| 11:00

arnold..............| williams.........| 4/10/2016.......| 7:00.........................| 11:00

................................................| 4/11/2016.......| 8:00.........................| 12:00

this working with:

select     case         when cli.rownum = 1 cli.clientid         end                                                       'clientid'      ,case          when cli.rownum = 1 cli.lastname      end                                                       'lastname'     ,case          when cli.rownum = 1 cli.firstname      end                                                       'firstname'     ,case         when cli.rownum = 1 cli.homephone                     end                                                       'home'     ,case         when cli.rownum = 1 cli.cellphone                     end                                                       'cell'     ,info.*     ,case         when cli.rownum = 1 cli.staffalertmsg                 end                                                       'alert'        ,cli.notes                                                'notes'      ,convert(varchar(10),cli.classdate,101)                   'date'     ,cli.mystarttime                                          'start'     ,cli.myendtime                                            'end'     ,cli.typename                                             'appointment'  (select     c.clientid     ,c.lastname     ,c.firstname     ,c.homephone     ,c.cellphone     ,info.*     ,r.notes     ,c.staffalertmsg       ,r.classdate     ,r.mystarttime     ,r.myendtime     ,vt.typename     ,row_number()          over(partition c.clientid order c.clientid) 'rownum' clients c     left outer join tblreservation r         on c.clientid = r.clientid     left outer join tblvisittypes vt         on vt.typeid = r.visittype     outer apply     (select             max(case                 when civ.clientindexid = 4                      civ.clientindexvaluename             end)                                 'priority'             ,max(case                 when civ.clientindexid = 5                      civ.clientindexvaluename             end)                                 'lang'             ,max(case                 when civ.clientindexid = 17                      civ.clientindexvaluename             end)                                 'inter'             ,max(case                 when ccf.name 'prac'                     ccv.textval             end)                                 'prac'             ,max(case                 when st.typeid = 100000001 st.typename             end)                                 'ride?'             ,max(case                 when st.typeid = 100000006 st.typename             end)                                 'l?'             tblclientcustomvalues ccv                 inner join tblclientcustomfields ccf                     on ccv.id = ccf.id                 inner join tblclientindexdata cid                     on ccv.clientid = cid.clientid                 inner join tblclientindexvalue civ                     on cid.clientindexvalueid = civ.clientindexvalueid                 left join [type details] td                     on ccv.clientid = td.clientid                 left join [student types] st                     on td.typeid = st.typeid          c.clientid = ccv.clientid     ) info ) cli  cli.clientid != '-2'      , cli.clientid != '0'      , cli.clientid != '1'      , (cli.classdate >= '4/1/2016'      , cli.classdate <= '4/30/2016') 

assuming want return name first row of each client should work (also assuming primary key column of id on clients table):

select case when cli.rownum = 1 cli.lastname end lastname ,case when cli.rownum = 1 cli.firstname end firstname ,convert(varchar(10),cli.apptdate,101) 'apptdate' ,cli.mystarttime ,cli.myendtime    (select c.id     ,c.lastname     ,c.firstname     ,r.apptdate     ,r.mystarttime     ,r.myendtime     ,row_number() on (partition c.id order c.id, r.apptdate, r.mystarttime) rownum      clients c     left outer join tblreservation r     on c.clientid = r.clientid     left outer join tblvisittypes vt     on vt.typeid = r.visittype)  cli  order cli.id, cli.rownum 

i have made both join left outer joins second inner join have made first join inner, assume not wanted.
