javascript - jQuery unwanted sum result -

i have table head <th> set default 0:

<th id="total_price" style="text-align:center">0</th> 

now when, add new sold item, price should added value of <th>. so, if new 1 20000, value should 20000+0=20000 , not 200000. , if add item, price of 30 000 20000030 000.

this jquery script:

        var initial = $("#total_price").text();         console.log(initial);         var newprice = initial + (res['price']);         console.log(newprice);         $("#total_price").text(newprice); 

i tried this:

        var initial = $("#total_price").text();         console.log(initial);         var newprice = initial + +(res['price']);         console.log(newprice);         $("#total_price").text(newprice); 

but still same.

enter image description here

you need parse text (string) integer , add up. below calculations

 var newprice = parseint(initial,10) + parseint(res['price'],10); 

or else what trying string concatenation , not sum

you can more info here
