i’m working on multiplatform project have create lots of controls dynamically result of major calculations. when changing conditions, need remove dynamically created controls , make recalculations , create controls again.
i handle first dynamically create tscrollbox (iofplayout) on top of ttabitem. move predefined header ttoolbar ttabitem tscrollbox changing parent. create arrays of tlabel, tedit , tbutton controls on tscrollbox. (i need interact dynamically created controls in code) part works fine on platforms. when remove controls use code below.
on windows x86, x64 , os x seems work fine. on android works fine first time tscrollbox created , filled dynamically created controls. after tscrollbox has been removed , recreated “access violation” or “segmentation fault (11)” error @ random point when dynamic arrays of tlabel controls created on top of tscrollbox.
i feeling has arc. have read can arc , tested every suggestion can find nothing seem work. see what’s wrong?
procedure ttabbedform.removeofp(); begin // move toolbar2 tabitem3 won’t destroyed toolbar2.parent := tabitem3; if assigned(iofplayout) begin // iofplayout holds lot of dynamically created controls iofplayout.release; iofplayout.disposeof; iofplayout := nil; application.processmessages; end; end;
here complete minimal working example.
unit unit1; interface uses system.sysutils, system.types, system.uitypes, system.classes, system.variants, fmx.types, fmx.controls, fmx.forms, fmx.graphics, fmx.dialogs, fmx.stdctrls, fmx.controls.presentation, fmx.layouts; type tmainform = class(tform) toolbar1: ttoolbar; create: tbutton; destroy: tbutton; procedure createclick(sender: tobject); procedure destroyclick(sender: tobject); private sb: tscrollbox; lbl: array of tlabel; end; var mainform: tmainform; implementation {$r *.fmx} procedure tmainform.createclick(sender: tobject); var i: integer; begin // create tscollbox on mainform sb := tscrollbox.create(self); sb.align := talignlayout.client; sb.showscrollbars := true; sb.parent := mainform; // set number of labels put on sb setlength(lbl, 1000); // create these labels , set properties := low(lbl) high(lbl) begin // on first run on android devices causes no problems. // after destroyclick has been run after first createclick // "access violation / segmentation fault (11) here. // happens after 800+ labels has been created. lbl[i] := tlabel.create(sb); lbl[i].text := 'label ' + inttostr(i); lbl[i].position.x := 10; lbl[i].position.y := * 20; lbl[i].parent := sb; end; end; procedure tmainform.destroyclick(sender: tobject); begin if assigned(sb) begin sb.release; sb.disposeof; sb := nil; end; end; end.
the simple answer question call disposeof each dynamically created control has tscrollbox parent before calling disposeof tscrollbox itself.
procedure tmainform.destroyclick(sender: tobject); var i: integer; begin if assigned(sb) begin // first call disposeof each child control := low(lbl) high(lbl) begin lbl[i].disposeof; end; // call disposeof parent control sb.release; sb.disposeof; sb := nil; end; end;
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