android - Xamarin : On screen rotation the OptionMenu Icon is repeated twice -

i using options menu putting on navigation bar using menuinflater

after when activity created when try rotating screen see 2 icons instead of single icon.

i trying search solution how handle screen rotation event.

here screenshot

here activity.cs

        [activity(label = "menu", icon = "@drawable/icon", configurationchanges = |]     public class menunavigation : listactivity {    string[] items;    protected override void oncreate(bundle bundle)    {        base.oncreate(bundle);        items = new string[] { "chat", "news", "events", "member list", "my profile", "about association" ,"about application"};        listadapter = new arrayadapter<string>(this, android.resource.layout.simplelistitem1, items);    }     public override bool onprepareoptionsmenu(imenu menu)    {             menuinflater.inflate(, menu);             return base.onprepareoptionsmenu(menu);    } } 

and menu/main.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <menu xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="">   <item   android:id="@+id/action_logout"   android:icon="@drawable/logout"   android:orderincategory="100"   android:title="log out"   android:showasaction="ifroom"/> </menu> 

while searching solution on developer.xamarin -> handling rotation

i found solution own question. had to:

[activity(label = "menu", icon = "@drawable/icon", configurationchanges = |] 

configurationchanges =

this has solved problem think there might better solution, other solutions appreciated.
