swift - Framework project A build only device cannot be used to run this target -

it's framework project (swift) builds library (.framework module) linked against projects along unit tests , ending following errors.

** build succeeded ** xcodebuild: error: failed build project helloworld scheme helloworld.     reason: build device cannot used run target. command "xcodebuild clean build test -project helloworld.xcodeproj -scheme helloworld code_sign_identity="" code_signing_required=no" exited 70. 

my travis yml file is

language: objective-c  branches:  only:  - master  xcode_project: helloworld.xcodeproj xcode_scheme: helloworld osx_image: xcode7.2   script: - xcodebuild clean build test -project helloworld.xcodeproj -scheme helloworld code_sign_identity=""   code_signing_required=no 

for xcode 7.2

try adding -destination 'platform=ios simulator,name=iphone 6,os=9.0'

script: - xcodebuild clean build test -project helloworld.xcodeproj -scheme helloworld code_sign_identity="" code_signing_required=no -destination 'platform=ios simulator,name=iphone 6,os=9.0'
