python - chinese character encoding about django and highcharts(unicode utf8) -

we must provide series highcharts, in, data is:

series_1 = [ {'type': 'column', 'data': [4056], 'name': '二手家具'}, {'type': 'column', 'data': [3016], 'name': '家居百货'}, {'type': 'column', 'data': [3765], 'name': '虚拟物品'}, {'type': 'column', 'data': [4056], 'name': '服饰箱包'}, {'type': 'column', 'data': [3756], 'name': '闲置礼品'}, {'type': 'column', 'data': [4056], 'name': '图书/音乐/运动'}, {'type': 'column', 'data': [3765], 'name': '农用品'}, {'type': 'column', 'data': [4052], 'name': '母婴/儿童用品'}, {'type': 'column', 'data': [4056], 'name': '二手手机'}, {'type': 'column', 'data': [4055], 'name': '美容护肤/化妆品'}, {'type': 'column', 'data': [4055], 'name': '二手笔记本'}, {'type': 'column', 'data': [4055], 'name': '电子数码'}, {'type': 'column', 'data': [3765], 'name': '设备/办公用品'}, {'type': 'column', 'data': [4055], 'name': '台式电脑/网络'}, {'type': 'column', 'data': [4055], 'name': '老年用品'}, {'type': 'column', 'data': [4054], 'name': '家用电器'}] 

the view fuction :

def chart2(request): context = {     'series':series_1 } return render(request, 'chart2.html', context) 

the code of highcharts in chart2.html is:

<script> $(function () {     $('#container').highcharts({         title: {             text: 'tongji',             x: -20 //center         },         yaxis: {             title: {                 text: 'number'             },             plotlines: [{                 value: 0,                 width: 1,                 color: '#808080'             }]         },         series:{{series|safe}}     }); }); </script>> 

when run it, can see messy code this: enter image description here

if use unicode string u'二手家具',the highcharts has error this: enter image description here

i don't know how deal problem,please me,thank you!
