i have rails 4 app. have no tests @ moment, when created app didn't skip default test unit
there empty test files (and other default settings) in app.
now use rspec
+ capybara
, don't know necessary steps install , make sure testing work fine. saw answers on stackoverflow thoose pretty old.
as far know installation looks if test unit skipped on creation:
group :development, :test gem 'rspec-rails' end group :test gem 'capybara' end
rails g rspec:install
can sby tell me steps are?
follow these steps:
add code your_app/config/application.rb file:
config.generators |g| g.test_framework :rspec end
add below code your_app's gemfile:
group :test, :development gem 'rspec-rails' end
save it, , run bundle install
install rspec gem
initialize spec/ directory
rails generate rspec:install
use rspec command run specs:
bundle exec rspec
hopefully helps.
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