servlets - A given value must be the value that appears by default in a dynamic dropdown - JAVA -

i recovered list of establishment through servlet, list travel dropdown element displayed dynamically.

so recovered value x of field same servlet. value 1 of elements of list.

i want value appears default in dropdown value x recovered. here's code:

<td>     <select id="liste_etab" name="liste_deroulante_etablissement" >          <c:foreach var="e" items="${requestscope['listeetablissement']}">                                                <option value="${}">${e.libelle_etab}</option>         </c:foreach>                </select> </td>   <!--  value recovered is:  ${requestscope['champpasse']} --> 

to make option default in select in html, need add attribute selected option. rewrite code as

    <c:foreach var="e" items="${requestscope['listeetablissement']}">           <c:if test="${ == x}">                          <option value="${}" selected>${e.libelle_etab}</option>         </c:if>             <c:if test="${eid != x}">                          <option value="${}">${e.libelle_etab}</option>         </c:if>         </c:foreach>            </select> 
