sdk - c# Business Object list all reports using a Universe -

using business object c# sdk query bo database. i'm trying list reports using universe. can compute si_id, si_name not si_webi property contains report id next query.

string boquery = "select si_id,si_name,si_webi,si_cuid ci_appobjects si_name = '#universename' , si_kind = 'universe'"; infostore boinfostore = new infostore(boenterpriseservice); infoobjects boinfoobjects = boinfostore.query(boquery); 

is possible si_webi ids property , afterward report every id computed:

select si_id,si_name,si_kind ci_infoobjects si_kind in ('webi', 'fullclient' ) , si_id = #si_webi_id 

thanks in advance

you have iterate through results of first query contents of si_webi property, or combine both steps 1 relationship query:

select si_name    ci_infoobjects   parents("si_name='webi-universe'","si_name='<<universe name>>'") 
